Acreage Declaration
2025 Acreage Declaration Instructions
Hello Ontario berry producer!
Under Regulation 428/17 (2018) of the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Act, persons engaged in the production and/or marketing of berries (blueberries, raspberries and strawberries) are required to submit an acreage declaration to be issued a licence from the Berry Growers of Ontario (BGO).
For 2025, acreage declarations must be submitted to the BGO office no later than April 30th, 2025.
Measuring Fields
There are several ways to measure your acreage, including measuring wheels. However, with modern technology you can measure with your smartphone. There are a number of programs, like CropTracker and Google Earth Pro, you can use.
Note that biennial raspberry production acres that are being harvested in 2024 should be declared.
Roadways are not required to be part of the measured acres.
Note: BGO understands that snow cover could delay measuring in some regions of Ontario. Please notify us if your declaration will be delayed due to snow cover.
Frequently asked questions
How much will I have to pay?
Growers producing 2 acres or more of berries pay a minimum fee of $250 per farm, and an additional $50/acre for more than 5 acres.
When do I pay my fees?
Fees can be paid when you make your declaration (recommended), or you can choose to receive an invoice. Invoices will be sent the beginning of August with payments due no later than September 30th of the same year. The fees are subject to 13% HST.
Will someone be checking to make sure I accurately declare my acreage?
BGO has the ability, under Regulation 428/17, to enter members properties to audit acreages. We contract Agricorp, which measures acreage using UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) drone technology. BGO will alert you to whether your acreage is being measured this year. AgriCorp staff will contact you to arrange visits.
What happens if I don’t pay my acreage fees by the due date of September 30th?
BGO has the authority to impose penalties such as interest of 1.5% per month on late accounts after September 30th. BGO also has the right to pursue legal action should a producer fail to complete their acreage declaration, not allow entry on their property or not pay their acreage fees. Your licence to grow berries in Ontario may also be revoked. To avoid this please pay your invoice on time!